Saturday, September 15, 2007

Joint tenderness

Hello again.

Another one of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia is Joint tenderness. "Tenderness?" you might ask. "tenderness is an understatment". You are right. Fibro pain can be worst than child birth pain. Well that's what I have always said because at least in childbirth you know that there will be an end.

There are so many symptoms of Fibro and just as many variations. I am going to use the symptoms as sort of a guideline for this blog. I want to, however, try to keep to a personal level so that any readers can identify on a personal level.

For me joint pain is best described as someone jabbing a sharp knife into you and then quickly pulling it out. The pain only lasts for a few seconds but it is sharp enough to cause you to yipe out in agony. Besides haveing pain that is generally a full body experience, which never lets up, this sharp joint pain hits all of a sudden and with no warning.

I often find myself sitting at a table enjoying a nice visit with someone and then suddenly I yell out in pain. It's only a quick yipe!!!! It's enough though to turn heads and stop the converstation in it's tracks. Then as if I am not embarassed enough, someone asks me "what happened". My mind races as it tries to find the stortest way to explain what just happened. "Oh it's nothing" I say, "It's just that darn Fibromyalgia". I get a strange look from them as they say "oh, ok" while they act as if they understand the word.

Have you ever broken your arm and everyone you know, don't know, are aquainted with, or encounter, asks you "what happened?". Well it's the same with Fibro. It's a long, long story that I have told over and over but can never seem to find a short version.

I can continue on with the topic shortly as it seems I am suddenly tired and am going to lay down for about 30 minutes.

Ttyl :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better now. I just want to give helpful information for all fibromyalgia sufferers.

Fibromyalgia is a condition where you feel chronic pain in certain parts of your body; it is a muscular pain especially around the joints. There can also be centralized pain felt in the spinal chord, brain, neck shoulders etc. People with fibromyalgia generally complain of pain in the joints, but it actually is the muscles and the tendons around it that cause the pain, it can be excruciating sometimes and can be a continuous throbbing pain. People suffering from Fibromyalgia also show symptoms of depression, sleeplessness, irritable bowel syndrome, stress and many others, which are caused due to the pain.

Finally here's Rid Fibromyalgia that provides a simple process to helps you eliminate all your symptoms of fibromyalgia and enjoy living your life again. This will provides us the best and most effective solutions on how to rid ourselves from pain.

The Rid Fibromyalgia provides an eBook entitled “Heal the Body” that will teach you the best diet that will allow you to eat your way to wellness, it will also document which vitamins and supplements will target and reverse the illness, how to achieve pain relief through acupuncture, what exercises are safe and will work, and what type of medications may make you sicker, and what will work. This eBook takes a step by step approach in showing you how to rid yourself of the pain naturally so that you can take back your life.

We must know the symptoms of this illness. For us to know what would be the approach we will going to apply. Here's Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia and steps to treat it naturally.

We must also be responsible and aware to the things to gain and cope up with this kind of illness. Eating nutritious food with regular exercise would be result to a better life. Here's Basic Tips in Coping Fibromyalgia.

If we say Fibromyalgia Diet, there is no specific recommended diet for fibromyalgia. But a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals can certainly help in coping with the illness. Magnesium rich vegetables are recommended for patient's suffering from fibromyalgia. Here's some information for you to help in Fibromyalgia Diet.

We must also think that vitamins are important for Fibromyalgia sufferers. This will give us additional energy and strength to kept a healthy living. But of course, you must be aware that not all vitamins are effective or directly gives you a good result. Find the best vitamins that would easily give a good response if your taking it. The best thing is your healed and keep your body healthy as possible. Here's The Benefit of Vitamins for us to know why vitamins are important for fibromyalgia sufferers.

Also feel free to view this video Fibromyalgia Help. It really gives good information for those who have Fibromyalgia and encourage not to give up because in every pain your getting through has a good solution in the end.

Here's Rid Fibromyalgia, For free info and helpful articles on fighting fibromyalgia.

Take care...