Friday, October 5, 2007

Sleep Disorders


Well it is the typical 2 am and I am waiting for my sleeping meds to take affect. A very very commen syptom of Fibro is the inability to fall asleep and to stay asleep. Having a good nights rest is important for your body to heal. Sleep levels have to reach levels 3 and 4 in order for your body to repair itself and get enough rest. For me, without the help of sleep medications, I actually don't get sleepy at all. That could be from years and years of working graveyard shift. I am not sure yet. None the less, without help I find myself watching the sun some up in the morning.

Also it is a very common for people with Fibromyalgia to have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) which causes leg twitches so bad that falling asleep is not an option. If feels like someone is twisting a rubber band inside your legs and then all of a sudden it lets go and your legs (sometimes arms) suddenly twitch and IF you happen to be close to sleeping, it wakes you up. The cycle then starts all over again. There are very good medications that your doctor can give you that will stop that pattern from happening and help you get a good nights sleep.

I am not working anymore but I think my body never got used to sleeping normal hours and then add in the fact that my mind won't stop once I lay my head down. Hitting the pillow seems to be a trigger for my brain to become as active as it can. lol It goes over the days events, the months events, and in my case the events on the news and can not find a way to relax and fall asleep. I am very grateful for the meds that I have that help me to sleep. If you get the same results from natural teas or the like, then that is awesome too. Whatever works.

I take my meds about 11 pm if I am not out doing something and they take about an hour to take affect. My med seems to fix both the RLS and the mind racing all at the same time.

Well speaking of........... it's now 2 am and maybe I should try and sleep. I did a few pages of my scrapbooking hobbie so time to lay down and let the T.V. put me to sleep.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow and hope it doesn't rain where you live.

Twila :)

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