Tuesday, October 2, 2007

New Day Migraine Free

Hello, today is Oct 2 and I think the headaches are gone. I haven't posted on here for some days since I wasn't feeling very well. It is very difficult to have a stress free day, never mind life. I don't think I took as many meds ever as I have taken in the last 2 days. It gets very hard to remain positive at times like that but I am hoping that as the days without headaches continue I can rebuild my faith. I pray on a continual basis but hey let's be honest. When your head is pounding and even crying makes it worse, a person kind of wonders if those prayers are going into thin air.

I heard someone the other day say that God never gives a person more than they can deal with. Well, the people that know me should all send God a little prayer and let him know that I am at my max now. :) I think God gives me entirely too much credit for what I can bare.

Speaking of prayer which I do on a regular basis. I have been asking myself that if I become closer to God, does that tick off the dark spirits and so since they can't attack me, they go after my children? It's a valid question I think. I have been pondering that for a few days now since my son is having such intense difficulties. If that is the case, what is the response to that? Do I quit praying? Do I quit studying and getting closer to God through Jesus, or do I stay stubborn and continue on my path? I haven't answered that question yet for myself.

When I watch my children's world's fall apart, or at least get turned upside down, I tend to get a bit stressed out. This particular thread may not have a direct relation to Fibromyalgia but that's whats on my mind the last few days. I wanted to write every day on here but just didn't have the energy. Hopefully now I can get back on track as I work through those questions and find some answers.

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