Friday, October 19, 2007

It's been days

Good evening. It's been days since I wrote here. Why? Partly fatigue and partly pain in general. The weather is changing here and rain doesn't do me any favors either. That is the similarity with arthritis and Fibromyalgia. Another very annoying symptom of Fibro is memory fog, referred to as Fibrofog. I must admit that has to be the most annoying side affect (besides the pain itself) for me. I forget appointment dates and times. Yup, lol, I do have a daily appointment book and that helps but I have to remember to look at it every day. lololol I just sometimes want to pull the covers up over my head and sleep the day away but I force myself not to sleep the entire day away. I keep busy with my store and that alone seems to be my driving force to get out of bed most days. Headaches also have been plagueing me for the past week. I guess it's just been a bad week over all so I haven't written here.

My son and daughter both were in crisis situations at the same time and that almost never happens. They are both living on their own, of course, so the most effective that I can be is to listen. None the less it has been a long week.

On an up note though, I have begun to teach English reading skills to a family from another country. The trick now will be if I can keep any kind of schedule. One that is at least somewhat routine. Since I can't predict a bad day I can't guarentee that I will be feeling "up to" teaching on that day. If the pain is managable then I will go, but if, like today, I had a headache and overall body pain and had to be on meds, then it's impossible to try and teach. So, I will see how that goes and keep you informed.

It is late now so I want to relax some tonight and maybe try a scrapbooking page before bed but I wanted to just touch base and let people know that I have not forgotten this blog.

Talk to you all soon and thanks for stopping by. Twila :)

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